![Capsicum annuum/Jalapeno pepper. Watercolor. 5x5 Brandi Malarkey, artist. ItsAllMalarkey.com](https://www.itsallmalarkey.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/jalapeno-272x300.jpg)
To pick a pepper…
…is to court injury. Or at the very least, free chiropractic care. Rummaging in a friend’s garden resulted in two compositions of green. A green
…is to court injury. Or at the very least, free chiropractic care. Rummaging in a friend’s garden resulted in two compositions of green. A green
So apparently my ignorance is astounding. Not that we weren’t already clear, and on the subject of photography, completely justified. I have been playing with
So sometimes I get an idea, and if the idea is in my head but I haven’t started it yet, it may get sucked in
So in typical fashion I have boldly told everyone to brace themselves for lots of posts and lots of paintings, and then I got distracted.
So the thing about botanical watercolors is that they are supposed to be delicate. Lots of slow, delicate layers on top of each other to
So remember when I got all excited about my embossing powders and was proud of my spider and butterfly? I then did up a bunch of
The election is over! I must say, campaigning is the most bewildering way to apply for a job–not only bewildering, but also terrifying, rewarding, exhilarating, and a
The election has eaten up my life. I have a million things in various states of not finished. The election is next week, and then
Have you ever gotten completely freaked out over something you are doing to yourself? Because it is totally possible that I am simply not very
Question: What does Georgia O’Keeffe and a bathtub have in common? Answer: New art! Being called into the bathroom by your child to “come look
Today was the first day that it really started to feel like spring, although it still doesn’t smell like spring. Since it is supposed to
Love and memory can both be odd things with whims of their own. Two years ago my father died. While he was ill I found myself
Something a little sweet for what is often a sugar saturated holiday: Also, in a funny aside, my daughter was terribly excited that Easter and April Fools
Given my interests of late, it should come to no surprise to anyone that my current crush is a gardening entomologist in possession of a
Ha! After far more angst than should be strictly necessary for any painting, I finally have an apple to show! Last fall I asked my friends
It is impossible to get through a month of photography without photos of insects. Just can’t do it. I will, however, keep it down to
Four flower photos (also alliterative!) that I think of as soft and sweet.
February photography. Photos in February. Fun February Photos. It’s all beautifully alliterative, who’s to fight it? The winter holidays brought two photo related accomplishments. I
So if you followed my Facebook adventures, you may have noticed that I had a small issue with masking fluid on a watercolor painting I
So naturally the only thing to do when you have multiple large projects with deadlines getting nearer every minute is to get completely distracted by
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Interested in buying an original piece of art? My work is on display and available for purchase at Gallery 4 located at 115 Roberts Street, Fargo, ND.
If you’d like to commission an original piece, please use the following form to contact me.
Looking forward to hearing from you!