So when you spend the day at Pride in the Park promoting the local chapter of the Awesome Foundation, glorying in the bright rainbows abundant everywhere, right after painting a jalapeno and a green bell pepper in an attempt to figure out “shiny”, and shortly thereafter your friend sends you a photo of a luscious purple bell pepper:
and you’d had no idea previously that there WERE purple bell peppers, so you get very excited and demand one of your very own to paint, and THEN your husband buys a red, orange, and yellow bell pepper for dinner:
it is entirely possible that someone, no one is sure quite who, may have stolen the peppers and there weren’t any vegetables for dinner that night.
However, when the result is this, how can it be a bad thing?
7 Responses
Loved the ‘pepper painting picture’, you captured it!! They taste good too!Z
Love the colorful peppers. Great job capturing the ‘shiny’ in your painting!! By the way, they all taste great too.
so when you gonna get a square or paypal??
I have paypal. What is square?
By George, I think she’s got it! WOW! Shiny is there.
More practicing, but it finally started to gel!