A new show is opening TODAY.
This year I decided to be smart about summer and rather than make any grand proclamations which would inevitably turn out to be false, I surrendered to the inevitable and assumed I would accomplish nothing whatever until fall. I was completely correct in that assessment, though not in the reasons for it.
In an unexpected flood of enthusiasm and creativity I took over the living room and set up a dozen paintings at one time, and actually thought there might be time to work on them. Then the entire house got sick for weeks, and all free time vanished into a haze of unexpected naps and bleary obligations. I even have several botanicals in the works – it’s been a while.
So the entire summer can be described with the phrase “in process”, my house is a mess that is driving me insane and I have no one to blame for it but myself, and fall is fast approaching with nothing to show for it, so I have fulfilled my lack of expectations. Go, me! (Though if even half of the paintings I have in process turn out the way I want them to, I will be so proud. They have the potential to be super fun.)
The only painting I managed to finish this summer is being shown TODAY, starting RIGHT NOW (10am) at the West Acres shopping mall in an exhibit entitled “The Feel of Color” in collaboration with The Arts Partnership. The show will be up until Sunday October 2nd, so you have plenty of time to go see it.
Since I didn’t think I would accomplish anything, getting this one finished means I deserve a shiny gold star.
I’ll tell you a secret. The painting wasn’t complete when I submitted it. Which means when it got accepted, I had to figure out how to get it finished fast, before bringing it in. How is THAT for motivation?
I don’t have a great way to take images of larger pieces (this is 22×28) and the colors in the photos I take with my phone vary greatly with the light they are taken in, so stop into the mall and see it in person to see what it actually looks like and help me celebrate the ONE new painting in two months. 😉
Also, my family went to West Acres in April when we were ALL DONE with the gloomy winter that wouldn’t let go, and we had a LOVELY time taking silly photos. The mall does a wonderful job of decorating itself up fun and making it a wonderful community space and we were inspired by all the spring they managed to convey. I strongly encourage anyone to go play, too! Here are a few of my daughter – I don’t have to ask her permission to post them. 😉
Also, I love this one of me. While i adore complaining, my life is awesome. But I still am considering having cards made with this photo and handing them out in response to all inquiries of, “How are you?” and “How have you been?”
2 Responses
I love the painting!! The photos are awesome too!! The one, that you may use for a card, shows how I have felt a good share of the time lately…over stressed yet too lazy to do anything about it! Keep up the great work of painting and photography.